Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Three amazing children

Sarah is incredible... she manages her time (with some degree of anxiety) but her CAP tests were well into the advanced category across the board. She is in advanced classes and also goes to a magnet school for Performing arts AFTER regular highschool....its free for us, and counts as electives. She dances and sings...and loves doing shows...

Thomas is 10 and has just started 5th grade. Loves people...he sports a very well know "mohawk" haircut.  He just started football this year and it is changing his life...  he loves it.  Very sweet and compassionate kid...Also extremely smart.   Doesn't do homework that well...  unless pushed...but that's ok. No one is perfect.

Daniel is 13 soon to be 14.  He is in a special education class called STARR.  He is with a nurse 100% of the time at school because he is g tube fed around the clock.  Daniel has many challenges.  Currently I am trying to figure out how I can still be the primary care giver for him...and afford to stay here.  He is sweet, and gentle and loves to watch things above trees, ceiling fans, lights...    He needs so much...but asks for nothing and smiles at you with gentle peace.

I have three amazing children.  

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