Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daniel. And Water.

This is why I do what I do.  Daniel loves the water.  He can feel freedom in the water and when I swim with him I sense that he can use his entire body and not have the limitations of gravity.  

I had him in Aqua therapy for a long time with Angel Fish...but could no longer afford it.  Now I am the therapist..and he seems ok with that.  At least he swims.

Water is magical.  I don't feel right unless I'm near the ocean.  I don't know why.  I miss Naples Florida desperately because there...we can swim every day... multiple times a day.  I long for a chance to bring Daniel back to a warm climate.   Sarah and Thomas like it too...

Here are some pictures of Daniel in water.  All that I do...I do for him.... to provide him with the simple things in life that so many people just take for granted.

I dream of the ocean at night... and being near water.  Someday.  Someday. We will be able to do this every day.

1 comment:

dawnro said...

"Someday. We will be able to do this every day. " i BELIEVE this.