Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It is Fall 2011. Times are kind of tough right now. Daniel has recently been diagnosed with scoliosis. He may need surgery in the near future, as it appears to be worsening with a curve to the left side.

I have found life very challenging... needing to work, but needing to be here with Daniel. We really are battling to keep the house, which was renovated for Daniel's accessibility. But the bills and medical expenses are wiping us out.

Every time I turn a corner it seems like another problem presents itself. Daniel's van needs repairs, we have a giant oil bill to pay, and medical bills that insurance is not covering.

I find myself seeking help again.... which is very hard to do...but we only want to keep our family secure and if our cars die, and we have to move... then what do we do? We live a basic life as it is.

Daniel is a darling kid.... he is turning 14 next month... if there is anything possible you could do to help us. Even if its just a prayer... Please do. Polymicrogyria is a rare but serious and life threatening diagnosis. I live every day fearing that he won't wake up, or that something bad will progress.

We are at 35 Bennetts Bridge Road Sandy Hook CT 06482 jhasselberger@snet.net

Please help us if you can, or suggest things that you may be aware of. There is also a PayPal button on the home page...for donations as well.

I wish I could stay in a full time career, and make sure he is well cared for...but it just doesnt seem to work that way.. no matter how I try. He needs me... I am his advocated, and his 13 doctors, well... we are in the hospital and doctors offices almost constantly.

My goal is to raise $5000 this Fall to pay some bills, and take the pressure off.

Much love... I have to go back to calling doctors...because that is what I do when I have these quiet moments in my office. Someone suggested blogging...and making a new website... I couldnt afford to keep the old one going.

Peace and love.... Julie

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