Monday, January 9, 2012

Medical Bubble

This is pretty much what we've seen alot of lately.... sleepy, lazy, leaning to his left.  Daniel has a couple more days of home antibiotics...then its back to the doctor for more tests, an upper GI to look at the status of the stomach surgery from 2007....and blood work.  Pulmonary and Surgery follow ups... etc etc.

I feel like life is a medical bubble and we are floating around the world inside it.  I am trying my hardest as a Mom and find the joyful side of me...and yet every corner presents a new challenge and a new need.  Do you go to the pharmacy virtually every day???  I do.  There are just so many things to pick up, and/or fight medicaid over for Daniel.

Its a new year.  I don't know where its going. But I know its taking me along.  It would be so wonderful to take the kids on another vacation this year...somewhere warm....because its been a hell of a high stress winter already.  Not because of weather....but its the P word.  Once in November and once in December. Whats next ....

I have a very very long list of Thank You's to all of you people out there who help us...and especially those who helped and visited during the Christmas season which was a flop due to being in the ICU.

I still am reeling from the entire toll of what 3 weeks of a very sick Daniel has done to my confidence and pocketbook.  I just do what I  have to do, you know? The kids have to come first and Daniel is 100% reliant on me for every way.   This makes it EXTREMELY hard for me to get out there and work and have an independent life...  

The love I have for this boy we watch him grow now into a young so amazing ....  we were once told he probably wouldnt make it this far.  Proved them wrong....

So for today, On January 9th..2012....  I think about trying to find my focus and productivity chip for the normal things that normal people do....but yet I am still bouncing around in the medical bubble...  which is where I belong... until things are settled with the scoliosis and pneumonia susceptibility for young Mr. Daniel...

A shout out of thanks again...and if you've helped me, and I have not thanked you... please know that I'm always so tired but I'm working on it.  

I do worry each night about the future...which is my prelude to a prayer about asking Jesus to help me not worry and not to fear that somehow resources will be found and sleep will happen again....

Beyonce Knowles named her baby "Blue Ivy"  ...all I can think about is veins. Blue IV.... its the medical bubble thing.  Tunnel vision.  Pray for me..

Signing off for a nap since I have midnight IV antibiotic duty tonight.    Julie  :)

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