Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Gift of a Voice

Last night we went to see our daughter Sarah perform in a Western Connecticut Regional Choir event that she had to audition for and was selected.  I have been listening to Sarah play piano, play viola, and sing in musical theatre for several years now.  But hearing this music brought emotions to my heart that took me hours to sort out.

The gift of voice.   The voice is an instrument.  A tool through which you can make beautiful music, make someone feel special, make a difference in the world, or choose to keep silent.  Like the written word, the voice can portray so much about a person and what is inside your heart.  Your mind.

Listening to this one song in particular... the song called "Water Night" made tears stream down my cheeks at the blending harmonies and the emotional connectivity that these kids... had to this performance.  Remembering that these young men and women are still in highschool... made it even more powerful.

People who can open their voice, and share this kind of talent....are special special people.  But its not just vocal talent that I am talking about.  Not just singing.  Its what you sing.  Its what you say and how you say it.

If you swear, and belittle people... what kind of love and beauty does that bring to the world.  If you try to make someone else feel special each day, and turn your heart away from your own selfish desires... isn't that what living a life of integrity is all about.

I value and look at this young talent as something that is a rare time in history...because these young people will soon be on their way to a life of maturity where they all will be making choices how to use that tool...that instrument.

And what about the children who have no voice?  What about the non verbal child who was born without the part of their brain that will allow a voice to be born?   Daniel speaks only in limited vowels.  He can not sing or recite a poem or say a speech.  But he can talk with his heart.  He can talk with his hands.  He can talk with his eyes.   When he reaches up and looks into my eyes and touches my hair he is telling me sweetly that he loves me.

I have this daughter...she is so beautiful.  She makes me so proud I could burst.  There is no such thing as perfection, and sometimes her words are not quite the best choice. But who in life is perfect... But a voice is a gift, its your instrument to change the course of each moment that happens. Little moments or big moments....use it wisely.

I've always felt that when a musician can find that place where their voice is coming from a place way deep inside them...when they have stepped  over the threshold of realization that music is not just sound but a gift...then they are truly truly musicians...  If you have ever heard someone sing, and they give you chills and make you cry... well... I think you know what I am talking about.

Today is January 15, 2012. Its absolutely freezing here in Connecticut...about 7 degrees I think.  I think its a great day to make some music, or listen to some at least.  :)

Sarah is the red head in the center

Julie Hasselberger

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