Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Gifts of Gratitude, and bye bye Ba Humbug

I am currently reading a book called "Attitudes of Gratitude" by M.J. Ryan

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity....  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."


Oh yes... I have found myself wondering if the materialism of the holidays is the reason I am so numb when I see a lit up house.  I just don't have my childlike love for lights and sounds and songs...and I am not sure why.  So I picked out this book...from my collection of lovely books about life.....designed to help me build character but I have never opened.    And began consuming the book.

I am sitting here realizing that my own feelings of lack... lack of money, resources, holiday events to attend, just a lack...  has got me so down.  And I prayed.  And I knew that I had to turn this around fast.   Gratitude, my friends, is the best way to take the self out of self-pity, self-worth, and just downright selfishness.

Ah...  I am no different than anyone else...getting caught up in the "I want that" ...etc.  I was the middle sister.  I was the girl who had the champagne taste on a beer budget...  and it still comes out sometimes...even though I have NO budget...  A girl can dream about a new car, furniture that isn't 25 years old and stained and broken, and maybe even a trip to get your nails and toes done...  Whatever the luxury.....

Shifting back to gratitude..I realize that I have so many wonderful things to be thankful for.   You know...listing them... is a good way to slap your brain around, shake your brain, tell your brain to stop the nonsense and grow up...   Here I go....  I am grateful for

  • My Lord and Savior who loves me and who has opened my heart from a closed place today
  • Daniel's ability to go to school healthy today
  • Sarah's talented voice and mind 
  • Thomas's funny sense of humor
  • Tinker my Cat
  • My friend Anna who is constantly reaching out to me...  XOXOXOX
  • Our Kitten Theo and how much fun he is
  • This computer
  • A warm home to live in
  • The generator that we are now able to give thanks to others
  • The Donations that people have continued to send to help me with Daniel's needs.
  • Breathing easily
  • My therapist Pam
  • My Mom, Dad, and sisters
  • A warm bowl of oatmeal today
  • Coffee... I will always be grateful for coffee
  • My back yard that looks out onto woods and is really very serene and calming
  • The freshness of the cold air this morning
  • The smell of a woodstove fire
  • Taking a walk down the country road near my house
  • The trips we took to Naples because of the generosity of a cousin
  • Toys for Tots boxes all over town
  • Daniel...  and his incredible resilience...
  • My facebook friends and local friends who always have kind and encouraging words to say
  • The Scotty Fund, the Molly Tango Foundation...and all of the organizations that do so much out of their heart to help families in need
  • Coffee. OH...I said that already.
  • The smell of fresh pine.
  • Christmas ornaments that are beach themed
  • The Ocean...  being near water when I can....

I could list random wonderful things in my life all day long...  because once you start...its like opening the flood gates.  And wanting what you already magical.

Perhaps we have a Tiny Tim Christmas...  and Perhaps the scrooges out there will turn their ways...  Perhaps today will be the day when I realize that my Christmas Spirit is in full bloom.

I am going to think of gifts I can give...that do not cost money.......  and I am going to have a good day today.

Here are some pictures of my gratefulness...

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