Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Daniel the composer

Friday, February 24, 2017


Monday, February 13, 2017

Why I am a liberal and democrats send me mail

Wow. Suddenly... in my mail... NON STOP mail, articles, and information from the DNC and other democratic organizations. I don't even mind at all. Of all the bad that has happened, in my opinion, the one pretty interesting thing is the amount of democrats working hard to be much more a part of the process, more astute, more supportive, and it feels like people really care. I think it started with the letter I wrote during the campaign, about my son, and the disabled, wrote a letter to both parties. Only one ever returned the letter. And yes I am a registered democrat, but I have not always voted on the party line. Although my life has shown me that I am a far more liberal thinker. Because I was tossed head first from "conservative" into "what the effffff am I gonna do" and then I was basically sexually harassed at my job, and then fired because my son had disabilities that were just driving claims up way too high for my employer. And when you have to figure out alternative ways of living... just like when people with disabilities have to develop new ways of living life... all the "old rules in the box" just don't tend to apply any more.
I am a dreamer. I am altruistic to a fault. I believe that love matters and is the most powerful force in the universe. I believe that our planet is not ours to destroy. I believe that truth and justice, ethics and morality do matter. I believe that people should have a right to love who they want to love. I believe that disabled children deserve an education just like all typical children. I don't know the solution to the extensive and complex cost of health care, and I don't think its something that is going to be simple to solve... but supporting a child like my son, or worse, costs millions over a lifetime. If they take away medicaid and medicare people like my son, will suffer or even die.
I don't believe in walls. The billions they are spending to build a physical wall, should be spent on programs and job creation, and I don't think a physical wall is going to accomplish anything more that more division and more hate. Do immigrants need to come legally, yes..I believe so...but by the time our money pays for this wall, someone else will probably come along and stop funding it. I cherish the globalization of our nations, and the incredible diversity that we are so blessed to have. My first love of my life was a black guy... as we said it back in 1980, and I was punished, made fun of, and forbidden to see him. Then... I just did not understand... he was such a great guy, we got along so well... and that was all that mattered. Even teachers gave me a hard time. We were told not to see each other. We did anyways, of course, because I was always rebellious, to some degree. But I was also bullied after that and for years... I hate to see our world sliding backwards. And that's how it feels.
I pray every day that peace will prevail, and that somehow, someway the negative fear mongering, nuclear thoughts that are filling every one's minds... will be replaced with progress towards peace, not hate. More jobs won't equate to... alienating the world, and eliminating the EPA. Our children should be able to travel and study the world... work globally...without threat. That is what I pray for.
I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior. That it is up to me to have a personal relationship with Him. That it is NOT about what deeds you do, but about how He lives in you. And with you. Because if you have a true spiritual connection with Christ, He will guide you. I don't believe that the way to God is through deeds, I believe that God in our hearts will use us as his vehicle... We all have unique gifts and talents... To hardcore conservatives, who preach right and wrong because they study and interpret the bible one way, those folks probably think I am wrong. But I am just sharing my own personal experience with my Savior. I personally accepted him into my heart and my life. And that relationship is my own spiritual experience. I was baptized by immersion at Walnut Hill Community Church and my life was personally changed forever.
So... the fact that someone is actually interested in my opinion, and my experience, as an MBA Graduate corporate career woman.... tossed out from "that" world, because of a little boy who needed me... and still struggling to survive... would matter. I had a dream once, it was to keep rising the corporate ladder, make lots of money, invest lots of money, educate my kids, give them security, and retire with my husband in a place where I can sit on a beach. THAT plan is gone. Forever. But somehow... we just a bit more compassionate, a bit more aware of pain, of suffering, of life without a voice, life without eating food, life without ever walking... life... with cancer, more children funerals than adults. Not having enough cash to get groceries sometimes, but creatively keeping heads up. Walking through my rich town, knowing that I have a fundraiser, and not feeling ashamed.
Did I go crazy somewhere along the way? The disabled, the struggling, the people in pain, people dying, watching loved ones die, depressed, sick lonely.... poor. Everyone has a story. Everyone matters. Whether they are gay or straight, black or white, Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Atheist.... we are all humanity. Somewhere... along the way, the corporate world said "fuck you" to me. And I couldn't fight back, because I was too busy being a special needs Mom. And I feared for my family, because I worked SO HARD to get to that income level... and then it was gone. But... we are fighters. Liberal thinkers, try new things, embrace technology, kind of thinkers. That's not so bad. And the journey.... it continues.
Embrace who you are. (all this from mail from the democrats.. lol)

Julie Hasselberger
February 13, 2017