I am Julie, Daniel's Mom. Daniel has Polymicrogyria. His brain is deformed, caused by a virus in utero. He has seizures, developmental delay, motor dysfunction, severe reflux, respiratory problems,etc He is unable to speak, eat by mouth, or walk. Visual strength and a gentle touch are his means of of communicating. Daniel has strengthened my belief in miracles and faith. Enjoy. Share. Follow. Help. Laugh, Pray, make a new friend.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Sarah's dorm room, Henry Daniel and I
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
EEG, a really bad day, and COLLEGE VISIT!!!!
Today, as I sit here freezing because my heat doesn't work in my office at home, I am reflecting on the things in my life that suck away joy, and revitalize joy. It has been a hard Fall financially. It always seems to be. I think there is just so much that piles up and needs to be done come September/October/November and I find myself juggling, struggling, and under great stress. That being said, under the greatest of stress and depression comes a life line.
I must say, when I hang my head in tears and then remember to pray to Jesus to hold me up. That is when I begin to turn around and focus. Sometimes its an immediate mood change. Sometimes its a heartwarming email or message from someone who understands and wants to encourage me. Sometimes its just me actually seeing how beautiful my son is and how lucky I am to be his Mom.
Last week, Daniel went in to see the Neurologist for a sleep deprived EEG. He has not been sleeping very well, and I am not sure if there is a change in seizure activity but I suspect it based on his behavior when he wakes at night. It's a scary business, dealing with an epileptic child. I am waiting for the doctor to get back to me.
But, the best event of recent was Saturday, October 26, 2013 when Daniel, Henry, and I journeyed off to Wagner College to visit Sarah. Daniel had never been to her school, and she really missed him and wanted to see him. We put Henry in the vest, and he got to ride around on Daniel's lap like the Man of Honor in a parade. We are quite a spectacle, me, Daniel and Henry. People were just stopping and staring, but I didn't care. Having a service dog is a beautiful thing, and with his vest on, Henry goes everywhere.... he even went to brunch. Sarah was not really interested in the school scheduled activities for parents, so we decided to do our own thing. We found the Staten Island Mall and did things that we just enjoy doing. Daniel was thrilled to be in a Mall...because he loves Malls. Anyhow, it was a great day with my daughter. As I drove home that evening something really cool happened.
I was driving along, bored and kind of sad as I hit traffic in Brooklyn. I scanned the radio and loud and clear was this channel, called "K-LOVE" www.klove.com It is a contemporary Christian Music station. The first song I heard was called "Forgiveness" by Michael West. I felt very lifted. And that radio station, which has never come in clear on my radio stayed loud, crystal clear, and perfect from Brooklyn, all the way to Sandy Hook. It was such an uplifting time because 1) I love Christian contemporary music and 2) the songs that came on....were all so pertinent to what I needed to hear.
The point? you ask... Keep your heart open. Keep your faith. God will speak in many ways to you if you listen and look. Here are the lyrics from that song "Forgiveness" by Michael West.
It's the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don't deserve
It's the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just to real
It takes everyting you have just to say the word....
It flies in the face of all your pride
It moves away the mad inside
It's always anger's own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It's the whisper in your ear saying "Set
it Free"
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, forgiveness
Show me how to love the unlovable
show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
Forgiveness, forgiveness
Help me now to do the impossible
Forgiveness, forgiveness
It'll clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what it's power can do
So, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees, is you
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, forgiveness
Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
I want to finally set it free
So show me how to see what Your mercy
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
October 19, 2013 Leaves, haircut and Newtown Day
Saturday October 19, 2013 Sometimes even the most typical of days can reveal a few little miracles, and a few little not so miracles. The orange socks are in honor of a beloved coach and father, Chris Stenz who passed away a couple of years ago. Treadwell park is now surrounded by 26 beautiful trees that were planted after 12/14. Daniel sat for the entire football game, happily. Henry is so happy all the time. The weather this year has been nothing short of fabulous. Perfect Fall. Perfect October weather.
Gayle is an angel, she cuts Daniel's hair as a kind gesture and way of helping me out. I am very grateful and would go to her either way, because she has been cutting his hair for years. I realize at the football games how many REALLY nice people we have in our town. I'm often an isolated person, which contradicts my social nature, so I love being out with people. John is completely the opposite. There are very few people he will be bothered with, but he enjoys talking to the kids.
The amount of kids who know Daniel makes me feel so warm inside. Like Max, for example, the brother of one of our football guys, he seeks Daniel out all the time and spends time actually talking TO Daniel with a meaningful heart. Those little miracles, special little moments, are always happening. And they are always happening to everyone, all around us.
I video tape, and take pictures, and blog because I am also a realist and I know that some day, I will value the treasures I have shared. Daniel has a magic in his soul that simply can't be missed, IF you stop to see it. And he has the cutest little pup on the planet, so that helps too.
Friday, October 18, 2013
October 18 2013, My Mom's birthday and a lunar eclipse and Henry the Dog and Daniel
Today is Friday, October 18, 2013. A very beautiful October Fall day in Sandy Hook, CT. I'm kind of a hot mess, but a happy hot mess, I guess. Feeling really bad physically and really do need to get to see the rhumatologist but I keep forgetting to call, and now its Friday. OH WELL
The Fall weekends are typically full of football and "doing the leaves" because we have a zillion trillion leaves.
Daniel enjoys watching the leaves fly around when John uses the blower, and Henry has discovered his joy while jumping and frolicking into the leaves. I am trying to train the pup to collect firewood, but so far he just chews the sticks. He still needs alot of training, lol.
This afternoon I took Henry over to STARR, his classroom and when I walked in Daniel had been laying down sleeping. The girls were all singing and having a Friday moment to the soundtrack of Jersey Girls, and I tell you, it was so nice to walk into such happiness. It is now several hours later, and, I can not stop belting out... "I LOVE YOU BAAABY, AND IF ITS QUITE ALRIGHT..nah nah nah BAABY" etc etc "your just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you" Thanks alot guys.
Please feel free to follow my video channel on You Tube, as I am working on my vlogging skills. It's wonderful to watch the progression of things, and wonderful to hear myself whine about how hard life is. lol. I am also trying to do more taping and find more places to do submissions to, because who knows maybe someone like HGTV will pick me for a home show. I love that. We were once on the John Walsh talk show and it was so much fun. I need to have that VCR tape converted so I can watch that show again. I would love to be on TV like that again. That's just me. I think John Walsh only had a talk show for a couple of seasons but he best known for Americas Most wanted. He was such a great guy in person.
Well, I'm chilled and tired, and I have NO DINNER prepared for certain hungry people who will be expecting me to provide food. But instead of providing said food, I am typing away on my blog talking to you people. I guess I am what you would call an anomoly. I do not fit into the typical mold that most Mom's do. I hate cooking and I would rather just eat soup and go to bed. Mostly because even as I write this I can hear Daniel downstairs crying. So if my writing becomes random its because my brain begins randomly switching channels to worry channel, hungry channel, eclipse channel, and basically I am just a hot mess.
The Fall weekends are typically full of football and "doing the leaves" because we have a zillion trillion leaves.
Daniel enjoys watching the leaves fly around when John uses the blower, and Henry has discovered his joy while jumping and frolicking into the leaves. I am trying to train the pup to collect firewood, but so far he just chews the sticks. He still needs alot of training, lol.
This afternoon I took Henry over to STARR, his classroom and when I walked in Daniel had been laying down sleeping. The girls were all singing and having a Friday moment to the soundtrack of Jersey Girls, and I tell you, it was so nice to walk into such happiness. It is now several hours later, and, I can not stop belting out... "I LOVE YOU BAAABY, AND IF ITS QUITE ALRIGHT..nah nah nah BAABY" etc etc "your just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you" Thanks alot guys.
Please feel free to follow my video channel on You Tube, as I am working on my vlogging skills. It's wonderful to watch the progression of things, and wonderful to hear myself whine about how hard life is. lol. I am also trying to do more taping and find more places to do submissions to, because who knows maybe someone like HGTV will pick me for a home show. I love that. We were once on the John Walsh talk show and it was so much fun. I need to have that VCR tape converted so I can watch that show again. I would love to be on TV like that again. That's just me. I think John Walsh only had a talk show for a couple of seasons but he best known for Americas Most wanted. He was such a great guy in person.
I was told that there is a lunar eclipse tonight, so I will try to get some footage of that. Unless it takes too long. But still, pretty cool when that happens.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Poems today, just because I am a person of written words to ease my fears
Monday morning Mother's blues
Do you know how hard I try each day
To see light and find my way
Its clear to me its an awful thing
To never hear this child sing
I push the chair along the walk
Its quiet since he cannot talk
He goes to school inside his bus
Alone not like the rest of us
With nurse, and aid, and special lift
The few who see his special gift
He is gone and then I face my home
Its cold and I feel all alone
The stress of never having enough
It's exhausting to always have it so tough
And when the mail comes here each day
I wish that it would go away
I know it adds to the big giant hole
Which hurts my heart deep into my soul
I am tired but trying to make it all go
and Negative factors keep pushing me low
Why is harder for those have less
Less based on sickness, disability, stress
Today I have zero, quite honestly none
Then I pray and I notice that HEY, there's the sun
Pick up the phone, call the doctor, begin
The daily ordeal I am trying to win
He needs my strength, needs my heart, needs my love
There is no one out there, except God up above
Who can help get us through this merciless storm
and Keep oil coming, keep us all warm
Remember please if I have reached out to you
Its because I love deeply and don't know what to do
I have three special children deserving of life
But one who is faced with such physical strife
Think of the mothers, like me, all alone
Sipping coffee and fearing to answer that phone
Waiting to hear the sound of his bus
So he will be home with the rest of us
And when he is here, in my arms, in my sight
I remember full on why I always must fight.
Julie Hasselberger
October 16, 2013
On a particularly hard morning.
excerpt from "Let me tell you about special mothers"
Let me tell you
about special mothers
For they are
mothers like no others
While most boys
are kicking footballs
Their sons are
watching through gaps in brick walls
They sit in
silence watching this
Which is the
opposite of bliss
Yet still they
have to see all this.
But the thing
about these special mothers
That really makes
them like no others
Is that while
most parents listen for a lie
These mothers are
watching… their children die
They sit in
silence watching this
Which is the
opposite of bliss
Yet still, they
have to see all this.
© Linda Grantham
This traffic light inside my head
Is always green and never red.
My thoughts, my dreams and all my fears
They all speed past my listening ears.
I close my eyes to block it out
But inside my head they rush about.
I take a breath to slow it down
But upon my face appears a frown.
My heart beats fast
But my breathing slows.
I breath in life
Then out it goes.
My bodies numb
Yet I feel my tears.
I've lost count of the days
The months and the years.
This traffic light
Inside my head.....
I'm scared of the day
When it turns red.
Is always green and never red.
My thoughts, my dreams and all my fears
They all speed past my listening ears.
I close my eyes to block it out
But inside my head they rush about.
I take a breath to slow it down
But upon my face appears a frown.
My heart beats fast
But my breathing slows.
I breath in life
Then out it goes.
My bodies numb
Yet I feel my tears.
I've lost count of the days
The months and the years.
This traffic light
Inside my head.....
I'm scared of the day
When it turns red.
Touch His Cheek
© Gary Shulman
This child of mine
you stare at so,
Please come closer so you will know
Just who my child is and what I see
when those sweet eyes stare back at me
I see no limits to my child’s life
Although I know
It will be filled with strife,
I’m hoping that doors will open each day
I’m praying that kindness
will come his way
You look frightened?
You tremble with fear?
Come, come closer
touch him my dear
Touch his cheek so soft
so sweet
Be one of those people
he needs to meet
Someone who will look
and hopefully see
The skill, the talent
The ability
Please come closer
You don’t have to speak
Come a little closer
Just touch his cheek
And when you do
you will see
this sweet, sweet child
is no different
than you or me
Please come closer so you will know
Just who my child is and what I see
when those sweet eyes stare back at me
I see no limits to my child’s life
Although I know
It will be filled with strife,
I’m hoping that doors will open each day
I’m praying that kindness
will come his way
You look frightened?
You tremble with fear?
Come, come closer
touch him my dear
Touch his cheek so soft
so sweet
Be one of those people
he needs to meet
Someone who will look
and hopefully see
The skill, the talent
The ability
Please come closer
You don’t have to speak
Come a little closer
Just touch his cheek
And when you do
you will see
this sweet, sweet child
is no different
than you or me
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
So "whaaaaat is that?" Gastro...ento... what??
Gastroenterology has been following Daniel since he was an infant. We have gone through several physicians, but originally we started with the pediatric GI team at Yale. At some point, they had no doctors and they referred us to Connecticut Children's hospital. Its always a crap shoot with doctors, but we had a terrific doctor for many years at CCMC. Then he left. And we got shuffled. Care has been, OK. However, when Daniel had acute pancreatitis last December the Yale Team was outstanding. I decided to transfer for his care for his GI and nutrition back to Yale after all of these years. It's closer, and we have many other specialists there. Deciding which specialist to bring your child to, for their complete nutrition and contol of reflux, etc. is a big step. You have to trust and have confidence. I kind of lost some of that with CCMC, only because the doctor was very busy with his research projects. Anyhow, its all good. This explains what the GI doctor is, and what they do. I talk about GI alot, this is Taken from the Yale website...
Daniel in December 2012 under the care of Pediatric GI for severe pancreatitis
YALE SAYS "Our gastroenterology and hepatology doctors are nationally recognized experts in all aspects of nutritional, liver, pancreatic and gastrointestinal disorders, and skilled in the most up-to-date and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for children.
The Pediatric Gastroenterology program offers diagnostic and treatment services for children and adolescents with a wide-range of common and rare gastrointestinal disorders.
The Pediatric Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) program provides care for patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Chron's disease, ulcerative colitis and other intestinal disorders. We combine a multidisciplinary approach with the latest diagnostic methods, research-based treatments and surgical approaches to develop effective, customized approaches for each patient.
Understanding that teenagers and young adults with IBD have a unique set of needs, our transition program helps prepare them to become independent in caring for themselves. Our partnership with our adult IBD program helps us make the eventual transition from pediatric to adult gastroenterologist a positive experience for all.
The Pediatric Gastroenterology program cares for children with a wide array of GI disorders,
- Abdominal pain - Yes Celiac disease (nope)
- Chronic diarrhea yes Constipation yes Failure to thrive yes
- Feeding problems/swallowing problems yes
- Gastrointestinal esophageal disorders yes
- Gastroesophageal reflux yes
- Inflammatory bowel disease nope
- Lactose intolerance nope
- Malabsorption yes
- Nutritional support of acute and chronic disease yes
- Pancreatitis yes
- Peptic ulcer disease nope Vomiting yes
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a rate of 90mls per hour 24 hours a day |
Hey,I am a Mom, too.
October 7, 2013
I am a Mom. I have three kids. They are 17, 15, and 12. Lot's of people are Moms. There are thousands of kids just in my town alone. And of course, they all have a Mom. Typically. Not always. But they have someone.

If you asked me at this moment, What does taking care of Daniel entail, I will spill out whatever is in my head... here goes! Spilling off the top of my head. This is not a complete list.
- Gastroenterology for nutrition and stomach related disorders.
- Pulmonology for breathing, asthma, aspiration risks, making sure Daniel doesn't get congestion. Pnuemonia prevention. Need to get that Flu shot!!
- Neurology. Seizures. PMG causes seizures. They are the silent demon. Need to go for EEG's and blood work, because seizure medications are tricky. Must monitor blood levels in association with growth. Neurology is my right hand with Daniel.
- Endocrinology. The bone doctor, as we call him. Crap, need to get the blood work there too. Daniel's bones are demineralized and endocrine helps us monitor calcium and phosphorus in the bones.
- Orthopedic surgeon. We have two. One is for the hips and general ortho needs. Two hip surgeries, and the liklihood that eventually the hips will go dysplasic again. Every 6 months the x ray tells the story.
- Spinal orthopedic surgeon. Now that Daniel has a back full of metal straightening up his spine, there are concerns and continual monitoring of the bone fusing, and any possible issues of infection in the site. Scoliosis would have probably killed him eventually. But this surgery was risky.
- Physiatrist. What they call "Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine" helps us with muscles and spasticity, recommending and prescribing surgery, writing scripts for equipment needs, and inspecting braces, botox injections.
- Therapy. Monitoring what is going on with Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, and speech therapy both at home and at school. Researching additional therapy, music, aqua therapy, etc.
- Social Services and Katie Beckett waiver program. Daniel's insurance is acquired via social services and the waiver is his title 19 waiver. I have to make sure appropriate forms and paperwork are completed on a timely basis. When things are not approved, appeal. Call for help. Request nursing hours. It's pretty confusing because I do not have a case manager per se. We have two different agencies providing home services.
- Equipment needs.
- Supplies ordered. Medications renewed and picked up.
- Issues resolved with broken equipment from the equipment repair department.
- Special needs BED breaks, must contact New Hampshire. Same for the lift system. Prism Medical
- Mri's, x rays, EEGs, blood work, barrium studies, endoscopies,
- ATG Rehab.
- Professional Home Care.
- Byrum Health care. Order diapers.
- Buy wipes. Buy diapering products.
- Lift van. 6 month maintenance. Repairs. Ride-A-Way in East Hartford is one hour away.
- School Education program. IEP's and PPT's.
- Drooling.
- Hand biting.
- G tube changes.
- Appropriate toys, and activities.
- Home standing.
- Apps.
- Laundry, pads, bedding and keeping his room sanitary.
- Monitoring him while sleeping.
- Financial concerns for his future.
And hey what about this too. I am also the regular Mom. Taking him to the dentist (needs antibiotics first). Hey we have a "regular" pediatrician too for "regular" things like immunizations, physicals, and general illnesses. Daniel needs new clothes for the seasons, and he also needs to have hair cuts and a little bit of shaving.
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Watching Thomas play football |
And now, we have Henry the "service pup" in training. A wonderful thing, but to me, like a newly acquired child. Not just a dog as a pet, but a very special companion trained to be with Daniel and bring him support, friendship, comfort and more. Woof.
Motherhood is about unconditionally loving your beautiful children, and providing them with everything they need to grow into adults. Special needs Motherhood, is unconditionally loving and caring for a completely dependent individual for the REST OF YOUR LIFE, or the CHILD's LIFE, whichever comes first.
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Daniel, Henry and me always right there... |

I try to make ends meet. (help) Daniel's expenses completely tip the scale. (help) The "normal" things like lessons, football, school lunches, and new sneakers I could handle. Look at my list above, it's not even everything. Daniel is an expensive child. Many things are compromised.
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This Pup is my best friend |

My children. |
I am a Mom. I am not super human. I am lonely. I am depressed. I am hurt. I am stressed. I am happy. I am sad. I am exhausted. I am mad. I am whatever God gives me as my daily dues. I love my kids. My kids love me. This is not the Me I signed up to be. It's all just fine, it's got to be. Please, just remember "me".
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