Friday, October 5, 2012

What's so Funny? Or can't you help it??

Random laughing episodes.

Trying to decide why Daniel is having repeated episodes of non stop laughing.  They could be Gelastic seizures and instead of discussing it...  I'll show you via this video..

Some things that I deal with are pretty clear cut.  But if a new type of seizure emerges, and disguises itself as joy and laughter, then how would we know.  Well, he could be sound asleep and then he wakes up laughing and thrashing.  He does this to the point where he wheezes and gets all sweaty.

This week I have been very sick, so I've spent some time in bed watching video footage of Daniel.

Warning there is one disturbing video of Daniel getting upset before he has to get on the bus.

I have sent video footage to Dr. Francine Testa, at Yale New Haven Hospital, our Neurologist...and she is going to review it and let me know what she thinks.

Until then, I'll keep watching him very closely...  .


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